Back to the Future...

What? The train is going to be how many hours late? I thought that I would show up two hours early at the Dallas Amtrak and, it's almost time for my departure; with only one of the six hours left of me waiting before I board the Texas Eagle Line from Dallas to San Fransico. 

A lot of emotions have been brewing lately, being away from my family has been the number one factor; so to take the edge off/pass the time I watched Risky Business when I found out of the delay, which has lead to a lazy day of film viewing. So far I've watched Risky Business, Tron, Black Rain, and now Romancing the Stone. Taking notes and eating Pirate Booty, I love not having to work for anyone right now; even if it's only for a couple of weeks. 

I really don't want to bore everyone with a play by play of my day, nor feel that I'm important enough to warrant it. So, just know that things are picking up on this site starting today. In the meantime, You can check out the new entries into the Hands of Laika, as well as the PIXAR Braintrust Blog

-Mister Kennedy